The process of painting is inherently an evolutionary journey.  A temporal unfolding.

The world that the senses take in, the continuum of personal experiences, feelings, and [conditions] of a life contribute to and edit it.

Observation and the process that informs the work takes place between the two, both inside and outside, somewhere between a conceptual frame (intuition, perception, qualitative relationships) and physical format (technical elements, method, subject matter), The elemental and theoretical play out as imagined realms, providing infinite variations.( sustaining solutions, outcomes and  images.)

Each work has the capacity to function as a mode of perception, a subjective knowing that can be communicated by the artist. An artist is constantly adjusting the tangible and intangible elements to specifications of the moment. Using visual language in a coherent way. Creating a surface to look at and a realm of feeling to experience.

In the end words fail to define process. The hope is that the work will speak for itself. Each piece then is an invitation to interact with the visual language, enter into the painting and look into or glimpse that world.

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